Angela Barbieri:
Franco-Italian Art within Reach

Born from a childhood dream, the Angela Barbieri brand has become the goal of a lifetime. After years of working as a stylist and model all over the world, Angela decides to launch her project. This adventure starts in 2022 after years of hard work, and through her creations, it portrays a universe of joy and warmth. Resulting from an inspiration drawn from life itself, Angela Barbieri aims to showcase unique and timeless pieces.

"Inspiring and original creations."

"Eco-friendly materials and respect for the environment."

Beyond drawing inspiration from nature, travels, and the world of women, Angela also draws inspiration from the world of tomorrow. That's why all her creations are made with eco-friendly leather. This means that all the suppliers she collaborates with possess multiple certifications. These artisanal leather goods companies are located in Europe and offer their customers the international LW (Leather Working Group) certification, among many others. During the tanning processes, chrome is not used, and the leathers are entirely recycled. By significantly reducing consumption during various production stages, Angela is committed to several aspects.
